After a mysterious call from his wife, this soldier wasn’t allowed on the plane

The soldier was crying at the airport… 

On May 4th, 2018, it seemed to be a normal day at the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. The airline workers were getting ready to help travelers on their way to their destinations. But something strange happened that afternoon. The employees at one of the gates saw a soldier in full gear. He was sitting alone and couldn’t keep his eyes off his phone. The soldier then started crying out of nowhere and the people around couldn’t help but get the feeling that something was wrong… 

Not getting on the plane 

The soldier was so focused on his phone that he almost missed his flight. For this reason, the airline workers decided to go up to the man. Before they could get a word out, someone shouted: “Don’t let him on the plane!” 

Curious to know why he wasn’t allowed on the plane? Read on now. 

Brooks and Haley 

The mysterious soldier that was crying at the airport was Brooks Lindsey. He met his wife Haley Wilson in their hometown of Jackson, Mississippi back in 2015. They had an instant spark and it didn’t last long before the two were inseparable. Lindsey had always dreamed of joining the military. And while Wilson had trouble accepting this, she always supported her boyfriend fully. Lindsey’s dream finally came true and he was accepted into the military. 


After Lindsey was accepted into the military, Lindsey and Wilson decided to get married. They got married in 2017 and the lovebirds are now officially the Lindseys. While they were still quite young, Brooks and Haley couldn’t wait to start a family. Thankfully, they didn’t have to wait very long. Shortly after they got married, they got great news…

Want to know what the good news was? You’ll find out on the next page.


When Brooks and Haley got married in 2017, they had no idea that there was a third member joining the party… Haley was pregnant with their first child! When the couple realized this, they were over the moon. They quickly shared the joyful baby news with friends and family.

A daughter

To the OB, the gynecologist, getting ultrasounds, maternity gym: Brooks and Haley did everything together. During one of the ultrasounds they got great news about the child: it was a girl!


While Brooks obviously wanted to stay with his wife throughout the full pregnancy, duty called. His country needed him. Brooks was a member of the 2nd Battalion, the 114th Field Artillery Regiment. This meant that he would need to go to Fort Bliss in Texas for training. After this, he would depart to Kuwait for nine months. So the soon-to-be father started preparing for his deployment. This was very difficult for him because he wasn’t sure if he would be there for his daughter’s birth.

Being apart

When Haley was seven months pregnant, it was time for Brooks to head off to Texas. While the couple was devastated about not being together, they both understood how important it was for Brooks to fight for his country. But of course, they both hoped that Brooks would somehow be able to come back for the birth of his daughter.

Baby name 

In the months leading up to his departure, they two had put much thought into what their daughter’s name would be. In the end, they decided to go with the beautiful name, Millie. Brooks and Haley found that to be the perfect name for their little miracle. 

While Brooks was heartbroken at the idea of leaving his pregnant wife and future daughter, he was still excited about getting started in the military. Brooks and Haley had no idea how the trip was going to go. 

Strong and healthy 

While Brooks joined the military, Haley’s pregnancy progressed. Unfortunately, she had to deal with high blood pressure, but everything else was going just fine. Baby Millie was strong and healthy. Even though Haley would have loved to share these moments with her husband, she understood what he needed to do for his country. 


Haley said that, of course, the two had constantly thought about what would happen if Brooks couldn’t be there for the birth. “People had told us that the only way it would work out is if there was an emergency.” And while Haley obviously wanted her husband to be there for their daughter’s birth, she knew the chance was slim. 


“Brooks and I practiced my appeal to the Red Cross because we heard it was very difficult to get men home for delivery,” Haley said. “We were told that the only way it could work would be if it was an absolute emergency” Although Haley desperately wanted her husband to be able to attend their daughter’s birth, she knew the chances were slim.

High blood pressure 

Besides high blood pressure, Haley and Millie were doing great so Haley had to assume that Brooks wouldn’t be there for Millie’s birth. But obviously she wasn’t happy about this. It was hard on Brooks, too. “We were quite upset, but I had no problems during the pregnancy except for a little high blood pressure,” Haley told. 

Doctors visit 

During one of her standard doctor visits, Haley received shocking news. The extremely pregnant woman thought he would do a routine checkup and then plan a delivery for the coming week. But things didn’t go as planned… 

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