An Arizona Man Made An Amazing Backyard Discovery After Hearing A Rumor

Buying a home is always an exciting endeavor. Whether it’s your first or your tenth time buying a residence, there’s just something thrilling about the chance to change up your surroundings and live somewhere new for a while. But we’re about to meet one man who got more than he bargained for when he sought a quiet life in a new home in Tucson, Arizona. Read on for the amazing tale of a fire department captain who found the surprise of his life when he purchased a home.

An Ordinary Real Estate Transaction

John Sims wasn’t expecting anything out of the ordinary when he bought his new home located in a midtown neighborhood of Tucson, Arizona. But buying the home turned into one of the most astonishing events of his life, thanks to a disturbing rumor about the house and a curiosity about it that just wouldn’t quit.

There was supposedly something buried in the backyard, according to the home’s previous owner. John just couldn’t rest knowing that there could be a secret buried somewhere out there, and he set out to find it. Read on to learn more about John’s quest to unearth a decades-old mystery.

Handing Over The Keys

The house that John Sims bought was formerly owned by someone who was a friend. John felt secure in his purchase knowing that this friend had already lived there and would have told him if there was anything wrong with the house.

But after John closed on the property, his friend said something unexpected. He told John that there were weird rumors about the house, rumors that involved a mystery surrounding something that was supposedly buried in the backyard years earlier.

What To Do With This Knowledge?

John’s friend, who had previously owned the house John just purchased, had told him an exciting, yet creepy, hint about the property. But it turns out that the friend had never invested the time to find out whether the rumors were true.

As John set about unpacking and the other routine tasks of settling into a new house, he couldn’t stop thinking about his friend’s words. He just had to find out for himself what was going on in his backyard.

The Mystery Was His To Discover

Now that he had become a bit obsessed with the hint of a mystery surrounding his new home, John realized that he was going to do whatever it took to get to the bottom of things. In fact, he’d been so intrigued when the friend first mentioned the home’s secret that he’d jokingly asked to borrow a shovel.

Soon he’d realize that it would take more equipment than a single shovel. And although John had no idea what exactly he was looking for, he decided to investigate.

No Idea Where To Start

John enjoyed thinking about the mystery encased in his backyard. What could it be? He knew it was possible that there was nothing to the rumor and that he might not find anything. But he also knew that he could end up finding something amazing.

Not able to stand the uncertainty anymore, John thought about what he was going to do next. He could fill in any holes and repair his lawn later. The task at hand was more important than his yard’s appearance. So he got out a shovel and started to dig.

A Triple-Digit Threat

John was so determined to get to the bottom of these rumors that he was willing to overcome a lot of difficulties. Tucson, Arizona gets hot in the summer – as in triple digit hot. Those kind of conditions are dangerous to work in.

Many people would have given up at this point. But undeterred, John continued on with his mission. With his shovel in hand, he dug. And dug. He hoped this hard labor would pay off.

Holes Dotted The Yard

John had no plans in place when he began his laborious digging. He just starting digging hole after hole in his backyard. After he had excavated four different holes, pretty much ruining his yard, John still hadn’t found anything.

He started to worry that if there was in fact something to find out there, that he might have destroyed it with his digging. Disappointment set in and John temporarily gave up hope of finding his yard’s hidden mystery.

Idea Strikes

John’s temporary discouragement and break from digging led him to think about his situation in a different light. He had a new idea, one that could finally help him locate his home’s mysterious treasure.

He tracked down Tucson’s municipal records and reviewed page after page until he located information about his own home. John was rewarded in a big way for all this intensive research. He received some more clues about what might be lurking under his lawn.

New Clues

The Tucson municipal records provided John with information he already knew, like the year his home had been built. But thanks to a rough sketch in the documents, John learned something new.

According to the records, a company called Whitaker Pools had applied for a permit to work at the property back in 1961 – more than 50 years earlier. But John’s home didn’t have a pool. So what exactly had the pool company done there in 1961? The answer to that question surprised everyone.

The Mystery Deepens

Now that he had a sketch and more detailed information, John knew he had to go about his search in a more careful way. No more careless digging with his shovel based on his instincts alone! No, it was time to get serious.

So John hired a team of consultants, who arrived armed with all the proper tools including metal detectors. Hopefully, they were going to get to the bottom of this mystery once and for all.


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