This Man Uncovered A Decades-Old Secret Hidden Beneath His Driveway

You never know what secrets may lie within the walls of an older home, or underneath its foundation. That’s what one man found out when he discovered a hole filled with decades-old secrets right beneath his driveway. It all started when he felt a small bump as he was backing his car out of the driveway. As he investigated further, he came upon something of great historical significance. Read on to see what the new homeowner dug up.

Meet Simon Marks

Simon Marks is pictured to the far left as he takes a selfie with a few of his friends. The men formed their own band and enjoy sharing their music with others by throwing mini-concerts in the backyard.

Simon worked an office job throughout the week, so he loved taking advantage of his weekends at home. Little did he know that he’d discovered something extraordinary at home, on what was otherwise a very ordinary day.

A Bump In The Road

The day started out like any other for Simon. He headed out of his house and jumped into his car, which was parked in the driveway. As he reversed his car, though, he experienced something he never had before.

He felt a bump in the driveway. As he attempted to continue to back the car out of the driveway, he discovered that the tires seemed to be stuck on something. He stepped out to investigate.

A Stone Driveway

Simon’s driveway was made of stones, meaning that it wasn’t a single slab of cement. While the stones were positioned so they should have been completely smooth and safe to drive on, something had clearly gone wrong.

As he investigated what could have been preventing his car from successfully reversing out of the driveway, he discovered that the stones were not flush the way they should have been. It seemed as though something was underneath the stones and was pushing them up.

Digging Up The Driveway

Simon took it upon himself to uncover whatever it was that had caused the problem with his driveway. Rather than immediately calling a contractor, he went ahead and removed the stones of his driveway himself.

He had a hunch that the issue was bigger than a mere construction error. There was clearly something underneath his driveway and he wanted to know what it was. Plus, he had only recently purchased the property and felt he should uncover the mystery himself.

Uncovering A Hole

Simon removed the stones from his driveway at the spot where he had felt the bump with his car. As he removed more and more of them, he discovered that there wasn’t any ground beneath some of them.

Indeed, a great hole had been lying underneath his driveway all this time that he had no idea about. It wasn’t a small hole, but rather was a large enough size that a person could easily climb into it.

Concerned For The Safety Of His Home

Simon was understandably becoming concerned for the safety of his home. He hadn’t owned it for very long, and already he had discovered what he believed could be a sinkhole in his driveway.

He began questioning what this might mean for the home’s foundation. He feared there could be other empty spaces beneath the home that could pose a threat to the structure’s safety. Feeling unsure about what to do next, he called on someone for help.

Help From Dad

Simon called someone he knew he could trust to give him honest help and advice: his father. It’s a good thing he did so, because his dad was also concerned about the hole and wanted to make sure the property was safe for his son.

Together, they continued to uncover the enormous hole and explore what may have been the cause of it. Simon’s father made the brave move of climbing into the hole to get a better idea of what they were dealing with.

Something Man-Made

As the men kept digging, they discovered that the structure was much too precisely-shaped to have occurred naturally. The square hole was clearly man-made, but for what purpose they still didn’t know.

Their fear turned into excitement as they realized this hole was no accident. It seemed that a previous owner of the property had dug it up intentionally and reinforced it so they could access the space as needed. That left one question: what was inside?

Uncovering The Truth

The hole is pictured in the midst of the disheveled driveway.While digging deeper was important to see what was hidden in this hole, the men also realized that they needed to dig around the area to uncover the structure. Since they now knew it was man-made, they wanted to see how the builder had constructed the access point.

They discovered a layer of dirt lay immediately beneath the stones of the driveway. Below that dirt was a wooden frame in the shape of a square. And below that frame was something that further proved it was man-made.

A Hidden Ladder

As they continued to dig around the area as well as deeper into the ground, a ladder emerged. They now knew that whoever built this structure wasn’t intending on burying something forever.

The ladder was proof that the builder intended to be able to access the hole whenever needed. It was becoming clear that their discovery could hold some historical significance, but they still didn’t know of what sort. They would have to uncover some more clues to piece together the mystery.

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